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Welcome to X360ce!

This page includes setups,downloads on X360ce/Quadstick


Welcome to X360ce!

This page includes setups,downloads on X360ce/Quadstick

About X360ce

Xbox 360 Controller Emulator” allows your controller (gamepad, joystick, wheel, etc.) to function as an Xbox 360 controller. For example, it lets you play games such as “Grand Theft Auto”, “Mafia” or “Saints Row” using a Logitech Steering Wheel.


X360ce Requirements

System Requirements

  • Windows Vista or newer.
  • .NET 3.5 (includes 2.0 and 3.0) - included in Windows 7.

In Windows 8 and 10: Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off > enable “.NET Framework 3.5 (includes 2.0 and 3.0)”.

  • .NET 4.6 (includes 4.0) - included in Windows 8 and 10.
  • DirectX End-User Runtime (June 2010) - Required regardless of OS; .NET MUST be installed prior to the DirectX update.
  • Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013 - For x64 systems install both x86 and x64 redistributables.

Quadstick conjunction with X360ce

Until scpserver gets to a stable release, x360ce is a viable alternative for using the QuadStick with PC games that only support the XBox 360 controller.

X360CE is a open source software project that allows the QuadStick to emulate an XBox 360 controller on a PC.

The QuadStick has a specific controller emulation mode to support X360CE. Details in the notes below. Do not run x360ce until you have read and understood them.


Full instructions for x360ce itself can be found on the X360CE website, but the short version is the x360ce.exe file obtained from them is copied into the folder containing the binary files for the game. Then run x360ce.exe from within the game's binary folder.


Getting Started

: :

The following screen captures show setting up x360ce for Rocket League in Steam


1. Locate your game and paste x360ce (32bit/64bit) \which ever it supports/ to game application location



2. Open and accept settings



3. Your controller should be detected



4. Click on game settings tab to add more xinputs if nessary for specific game



5. If you are using 32bit x360ce find and click it and check box all 32 bit boxes on right side. if you are using 64bit x360ce find and click it and check box all 64 bit boxes on right side.



6. Save and exit , files should be created and ready for gaming



7. Next, start the game and it should respond to the QuadStick as an XBox 360 controller.


For specific analog value instruction Notes (optional)

  • Look on the web and the x360ce website for specific instructions for different games.
  • Their supported games list is seldom up to date, so a google search of x360ce and the game name is often your best bet.
  • The QuadStick's normal controller emulation mode is not the best match for x360ce. The L2/R2, Left-Trigger/Right-Trigger, show up as on/off buttons instead of analog values.
  • For games like Rocket League, which would like to use RT for moving forward and LT for moving backwards, this is a problem.

A special controller mode to allow LT/RT analog values in x360ce is available through a preference setting on a preferences page in a game configuration file: enable_DS3_emulation of 2


  • The X360CE mode still allows the mouse, keyboard and flash drive functions of the QuadStick to operate.
(Side note: The Dual Shock 3 mode does not. (Side/side note: NEVER EVER set enable_DS3_emulation to anything other than 0 in prefs.csv or default.csv or you might be mailing your quadstick back to me to fix it, just use it in preference pages in game config files)).